Foundation Church

category: Christian church, Full Gospel church
address: 13000 Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL 34287, United States
Phone: +1 941-541-2800
Sunday10 AM–12:30 PM

rayting: 4.3
services: Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible car park, Wheelchair-accessible entrance,

Name: C**** G****
Date: 2024-01-11 16:26:31
Rating: 5
Comment: Holy Spirit filled church on fire for the Lord!!!Worship here is so powerful! I honestly cant even put into words how amazing the worship is at this church. How the Spirit fills the congregation and His praises ring out to all the earth and heaven above! You have to be there to experience it for yourself!The preaching is unapologetic, unfettered Bible. Pastor Toms sermons are like nothing I have ever heard before. Im convicted in my spirit to be truly Christ-like, the Christ from the Bible, not the modern day, watered down, worlds version of Christ, but the Christ of the Word. This pastor preaches ALL the Bible versus, not just the ones that make you comfortable with who you were when you walked in the door, so that you leave the very same way. NOPE! If your church doesnt inspire or convict you to live for Jesus, like Jesus, every second of every day, taking every thought captive and tearing down every stronghold, being able to deny the ways of this world, then they are missing the point of Christianity. This church does that for me and my family!Politics? Yep! Seriously, read Revelation.Healing? Yep! Jesus commands us to heal and be healed!Hell, fire and brimstone? Yep! Prosperity? Yep! If its in the Bible, youre gonna hear about it here!This church led the way to my whole familys salvation and has given us a body of Christ to belong to locally. I hope it does the same for you!

Name: F******* R****
Date: 2024-01-04 20:15:00
Rating: 5
Comment: Best church around!

Name: E******** C*************
Date: 2023-12-31 01:56:44
Rating: 5
Comment: Best pastor, church, and people on the planet ....!! Come visit! You wont regret it!
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Name: D***** L****
Date: 2023-12-22 23:56:31
Rating: 5
Comment: Worship is always great. And the word is strong any of these other reviews that say that he only preaches a few verses are totally wrong, every week I do a post to Facebook feel free to scroll through my Facebook page and find them feel free to watch every service and count all the verses its filled with scripture he uses. I use the verses that the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me. I do not use all the verses because he uses so many. I use what the spirit speaks to me. Pastor Toms word knowledge is vast we have been attending Foundation Church for about 8 years.Edit: There are also people on here that would like to say the pastor beats us for our tithe he gives us advice for our tithing. There is no basket passed around. I used to be one of those freeloaders that didnt tithe on everything because I didnt think I had enough once started it was a game changer. Passed your time they tell you that youre being a freeloader if youre not tithing its because I was being a freeloader. God would call you a thief.“Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings.Malachi 3:8 NKJV

Name: S**** B*****************
Date: 2023-12-08 12:40:31
Rating: 5
Comment: If you want the real thing, this is it! My life has been transformed, after years of lukewarm Christianity. It is such a blessing to be a part of this local body of Christ.

Name: N**** L******
Date: 2023-10-15 15:39:34
Rating: 5
Comment: Best Church I’ve ever been too! You can see the the love for Jesus in everyone who attends and serves. This is my forever home church!

Name: i* a**********
Date: 2023-10-08 19:25:30
Rating: 5
Comment: Weve been going every Sunday for a couple months now... We love this church. Everyone we have met already feels like family. FYI this is not your typical easy word grace without obedience church. This is a church that doesnt compromise Biblical truth for the masses. The Pastor shoots straight from the Bible and does so unapologetically. For me having been to a lot of other churches, I find its in a league of its own. If youre ready to lose your life to save it then I highly recommend checking out Foundation Church!

Name: S**** B*****
Date: 2023-08-29 17:29:43
Rating: 5
Comment: The holy spirit is invited and present at Foundation Church. Wow

Name: D****** G********
Date: 2023-08-07 17:21:58
Rating: 5
Comment: Been attending service for a month now and pastor Tom really makes me think and take a good look at myself and my beliefs. Have realized a lot that I was taught isnt Bible its man made. Now I am at true piece and contentment. Will only practice and believe in the Bible. Thank you for saving me.

Name: A*** K*****
Date: 2023-07-10 21:30:20
Rating: 5
Comment: Great Church and Man of God. Why? He speaks truth and leads with it.Most men and women cant hear or are Narcs. Meaning they are Burger King and want it there way as a child mentality. Most do not READ the Bible. What? Politics? Yes, Romans were all about Politics as were the Jews. RE READ YOUR BIBLE. Pastor Tom reminds me of my younger days as a Coach or Teacher, hence Preacher. What? Yes, if its not hurting its not working. What? Yea, most Americans are to weak and give lip service over doing the work.Some of the reviews Ive read are seriously the weak ones and cant stand being told to man up. Put your big boy pants on. They seem to play God, Jesus as Pandoras box. There are many levels of Preaching and teaching. Many people would rather stay in first grade teaching so they can live in sin. How do you spell sin? What letter is in the middle of the word? Maybe get your eye of I and serve. If focusing on you or I then more than likely you are living in sin and feeding your flesh. Possible a Narc. If serving others than its harder to sin. More than likely you have allowed Jesus in your heart. The Nay Sayers will always be Nay Sayers. If you dont read the Bible and truly understand some commonsense well your pallet and warm fuzzy ears are meant to go around the mountain again (1st grade). I, love the analogies that Pastor Tom uses and holds nothing back. Again most cant and want handle the Truth because of there own Heart issues. I, see most Christians as pretenders not Contenders. Hard to coach or teach and pretender. However if you are a Contender you can be coached and taught. Bottom line is get in your Bible and stop pretending. Pastor Tom is that. He steam rolls the wrinkles out and some cant handle it. I, simply love the Church and his Preaching and Teachings. He is a True leader. To many Preachers pretend and again make your ears warm and fuzzy. The weak ones say. Oh, you should not talk or teach about Politics and Covid or that or this. Yea, and what do you lead? Duck the sky is falling? Yea, your not a leader if you cant see or talk about the REAL things affecting our country. What did Jesus do? What did Jesus say? How did Jesus teach? Jesus dealt with Politics daily. The Jews fight for their land daily to this day.Americans have become to soft and narcistic. Too many so called Christian men do not hold men accountable. Pastor Tom is not like those weak men. He challenges you were most want accept the challenge. This is why you read some chatter on we leaved or we didnt like it. BS. They were weak and really did not want to hear the Bible. So pretend or contend. IF you are a Real Christian you will Love the Church and Preacher.

Name: R***** M********
Date: 2023-07-09 15:38:10
Rating: 5
Comment: My husband and I were planning to go, they looked great online. We listened to one live stream of the service, and it wasn’t for us. The pastor seems angry, he did say some nice things but and was telling everyone “if you don’t give the church atleast 10% of their income, you are a free loader.” Luckily we could afford that, but many people cannot. And this is not the type of church we would like to do that for. He is also saying if you do this or that “straight to heIl…” it was almost comical

Name: J** L*****
Date: 2023-04-14 05:49:19
Rating: 5
Comment: Love pastor Tom... I would love to visit but I live near Atlanta... I watch services and the TLP a lot!!!

Name: T**** B******
Date: 2023-01-05 23:35:12
Rating: 5
Comment: Foundation is one of the only genuine churches left. My wife brought me to Christ but pastor Tom removed my unbelief. He “goaded” me to living for Christ, and not myself. First and only church I’ve ever felt comfortable tithing to. If you remove your feelings, your ego and just listen he will save your life through the word of God. Your heart, feelings and thoughts aren’t important. The word of God is and nothing else. Ever. The pastor isn’t afraid to preach politics and things happening in our actual lives. He motivated me to stop standing in flames and start sprinting towards salvation. My flesh is chastised relentlessly here but I love him for it. I’d rather my pastor save my soul instead of my feelings.

Name: j**** l***************
Date: 2022-12-20 15:31:24
Rating: 5
Comment: I enjoyed and was renewed. The message was amazing and touched my heart with the truth . The worship was anointed and holy spirit filled

Name: S****** R******
Date: 2022-12-08 19:22:22
Rating: 5
Comment: Great truthful preaching based on the Bible and how it applies to today political climate.Churches should be uniting in Christ and leading the way!!!

Name: S***** T****
Date: 2022-11-17 21:37:00
Rating: 5
Comment: One of the best Pastors in all of the US.

Name: S***** L******
Date: 2022-11-13 19:27:11
Rating: 5
Comment: Holy Spirit filled/Bible thumping pastor… nothing but the truth. Supernatural healing.

Name: S****** W*****
Date: 2022-11-10 13:41:17
Rating: 5
Comment: Jonathan Shuttlesworth fills the atmosphere with a level of expectancy that allows a supernatural move of HOLY SPIRIT. Pastor Tom & Hope are genuine ambassadors for the LORD JESUS 🙌This was no coincidence in my life right now w/visiting FL for my sons wedding! Its a divine appointment to be prepared for my posture as the mother of the groom. I am blessed to perform the prayer into the consecration of Christopher & Taras Holy matrimony! I surrender to syphon the anointings from GOD through obedience & I am NEVER disappointed👑Thank YOU LORD JESUS for showing up to show off🔥

Name: L** H***
Date: 2022-09-29 12:48:26
Rating: 5
Comment: Exactly what we all need to hear. If your a coward or want your ears tickled, you will never make it here. However, if you are hungry for the truth and it preached unashamedly by Pastor Tom you will fit right in and be made stronger and fit for Gods Kingdom. Stick with it! Nothing but the truth spoken here! Thank you Foundation Church!!!! God bless you all!! Keep up the amazing work for Gods Kingdom!Lyn - Colorado Springs CO

Name: E* C*** E***
Date: 2022-09-07 14:57:45
Rating: 5
Comment: If you want the true and pure Gospel of Jesus Christ then this is the place for you. Come a grow spiritually like never before

Name: P*** G*****
Date: 2022-08-30 19:59:03
Rating: 5
Comment: The only Church that is taking a Biblical stand. Preaching only from the Bible, and not some washed down version of some ones opinion. We are in the end times and if you want to be prepared for eternity, this is the place.

Name: J****** T****
Date: 2022-08-19 00:26:12
Rating: 5

Name: G** M***
Date: 2022-08-10 12:25:23
Rating: 4
Comment: What is expressed here has strengthened our faith. So thankful that they are here for all of us. We desire to serve in appreciation of their service.

Name: C****** P*******
Date: 2022-08-07 20:43:55
Rating: 5
Comment: Pastor delivers Gods word , unapologetically, with all the best of worship , fellowship and space for the whole family. We love this Church!!

Name: L**** S*****
Date: 2022-08-07 18:50:02
Rating: 5
Comment: I am beyond thankful to have found this church! The truth about God, the Bible, AND the end times we are living in is what you will find here. Pastor Tom unapologetically preaches the truth. Some may call him political, but the truth is that he is keeping us informed of the crazy world events around us. I would much rather get the truth from my pastor than any other news/media outlet! The worship team is amazing and the music is new and fresh every week. If you want to feel the power of the Holy Spirit, this is the church for you! You will never again feel content at a quiet, progressive church.

Name: C**** W*****
Date: 2022-08-07 17:03:48
Rating: 5
Comment: 2 years of finding Foundation Church and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to my family!

Name: D***** C*****
Date: 2022-08-07 14:54:25
Rating: 5
Comment: Bible Thumping Holy Ghost Fire 🔥 Praising The Lord Church

Name: R*** B*****
Date: 2022-08-07 14:10:29
Rating: 5
Comment: This church Rocks!!!

Name: D**** W****
Date: 2022-08-01 19:55:37
Rating: 5
Comment: Its about time there is a Church and Pastor that will ruffle some feathers!!!Dont come if you are looking for a GOV santioned 501 C3 Church but if you are looking for the Power of G-D and truth, then this is the Church for you!

Name: M***** P*****
Date: 2022-06-15 13:16:39
Rating: 5
Comment: A church that never bends to the world. Pastor Tom tells it like it is, yesterday, today and tomorrow....because The Word never changes. Give it at least 3 Sundays in a row to attend before deciding you like it or not.

Name: J**** S********
Date: 2022-06-07 06:44:38
Rating: 5
Comment: I think my wife and I may have just found the only Truth Speaking, Complete Bible Preaching, Holy Spirit Moving Church in all of Southwest Florida. It is a long drive and well worth it, we are making Foundation Church our Church.

Name: c****** c*****
Date: 2022-05-02 21:16:45
Rating: 5
Comment: I love this Church Pastor Tom really tells it like it is

Name: K
Date: 2022-04-17 03:35:49
Rating: 5
Comment: Caught a sermon on local TV! Pastor is AWESOME! What a God fearing Cristian and Patriot! I dont normally attend the physical church but would go here if it were closer.

Name: K****
Date: 2022-04-10 23:48:57
Rating: 5
Comment: Friendly people; annointed praise and worship team

Name: A***** B*********
Date: 2022-04-06 20:20:10
Rating: 5
Comment: I don’t actually go to this church but listen to it live on Sunday and the pod cast through the week. I live 1.5 hours away. This is the only pastor I know who preaching the Truth and political truth. I seen a review about just wanting to be uplifted at church. Well sorry to say but it’s way more important to preach repentance and be confronted with sin. I’d rather feel the conviction then comfortably go to hell. If you want motivated or uplifted go to Joel Osteens motivational services. Did Jesus go around uplifting people? No! He called them out just like Pastor Tom does. I hope to visit the church soon. Keep up the fire preaching Pastor Tom.

Name: O***** H******** (**************
Date: 2022-03-19 13:42:51
Rating: 5
Comment: The Word of God is the only thing this church preaches. And is the reason I go here! The pastor is real, raw, and doesnt sugar coat. The worship is powerful and beautiful. The congregation is kind and loving. You really cant go wrong.

Name: G***** B*******
Date: 2022-03-01 04:30:14
Rating: 5
Comment: What an awesome service!And amazing kids service. My 2 kids absolutely love the Sunday school!

Name: E***** G******
Date: 2022-02-27 18:18:37
Rating: 5
Comment: My wife and I just attended the first service of Foundation Church at their new location in North Port FL. Wow, it was a fantastic sermon given by Pastor Tom. There was standing room only (seating capacity 855). Tom is a true shoot from the hip pastor. We truly enjoyed the music and the fellowship. This is now our new rock!

Name: M G***
Date: 2022-02-27 17:39:33
Rating: 5
Comment: Pastor Tom was awesome today. Speaking truth from the Word of God. First day at the new building and already almost full. People are hungry for truth.

Name: A****** S*****
Date: 2022-02-27 01:29:09
Rating: 5
Comment: Very good church. Speaks the truth and will uplift you.

Name: S************* S*****
Date: 2022-02-26 00:07:48
Rating: 5
Comment: Best church ever! Great worship and straight truth of the word of God.

Name: C****** S*********
Date: 2022-02-13 16:12:16
Rating: 5
Comment: Finally, a Pastor who is on Fire for the Lord! And right in North Port in two weeks! God has answered my prayers for a church home!

Name: O****** S******
Date: 2022-02-08 14:04:01
Rating: 5
Comment: Finally found a church that is making a stand with no fear. We look forward to the future.

Name: Y***** P****
Date: 2022-01-30 22:39:03
Rating: 5
Comment: First time visitor and I can not recommend a more authentic -real talk- shoot from the hip, relatable Pastor. If you want to hear some truths - not Pastors truth the Bible truths go attend this church - refreshing to hear a Pastor tell it like it is unafraid by who will return next week. Those seeking spiritual growth, wisdom and knowledge of the living word of God who can handle the truth should attend and bring a friend. So very much needed these days - Just good solid truth! Oh and if youre offended by it- you should get before the Holy Spirit and ask Him to show you why you are offended by the truth. He will reveal it to you - but... do you have the ears to hear .... dont forget to pray for that as well - Be blessed - oh and for the icing on the cake - Everyone I met was super nice !

Name: J****** T****
Date: 2022-01-25 04:09:35
Rating: 5
Comment: Strait up Bible preaching!

Name: V****** T****
Date: 2022-01-25 01:19:39
Rating: 5
Comment: No other place I would rather be on a Sunday. Foundation Church is the real deal. The children’s ministry is amazing, the Youth group is growing, and the Word of God is spoken here. If you’re looking for a place to worship, look no further than Foundation Church!

Name: C**** S******
Date: 2022-01-21 17:43:33
Rating: 5
Comment: What a blessing! I dont live close enough to attend this church but I dont miss a service. Thank God for

Name: P***** B******
Date: 2022-01-16 14:21:34
Rating: 5
Comment: Great preaching

Name: A******* D*********
Date: 2022-01-03 05:23:59
Rating: 5
Comment: People are super nice and helpful. The Pastor only speaks the truth and everything is straight from the Bible. Kid program is fantastic. Definitely recommend trying it out!

Name: M*******
Date: 2021-10-31 21:54:14
Rating: 5
Comment: Communion Hallelujah and Pastor speaks right from the Bible and in truth from Revelation regarding our current times. Congregation is right with him. Great Worship❗️

Name: J*** C******
Date: 2021-10-20 21:20:16
Rating: 4
Comment: Truth that can make you squirm! Powerful! Must experience.

Name: F****** P****
Date: 2021-10-06 01:03:44
Rating: 5
Comment: I enjoyed the service as well as the praise and worship! The pastor has a very pointed message and seems very knowledgeable of the word! He also has a podcast I am interested in following. The 9 am service was a little crowded but there is a later service as well that may not be as crowded. Overall a good experience. Everyone was friendly.

Name: t*** S*****
Date: 2021-09-27 23:26:00
Rating: 5
Comment: Best word Ive found within an hour north or south

Name: J*** W*******
Date: 2021-09-15 17:24:23
Rating: 5
Comment: Cant rate the church because I havent been there but I listen to Pastor Liapplys podcast and the man speaks the truth.

Name: T***** L****
Date: 2021-09-14 20:06:40
Rating: 5
Comment: Awesome

Name: B******* S****
Date: 2021-07-20 02:12:06
Rating: 5
Comment: Looking for the perfect church? Theres no such thing if you find one, dont go, youll ruin it. Lol just kidding. Warm welcoming people worshipping God and faithfully preaching the word. Upbeat and joyful music and much more. Come see for yourself. See you there.

Name: R***** A*****
Date: 2021-07-05 05:33:49
Rating: 5
Comment: I have been following Pastor Tom for several months and am totally drawn to the Fire and Brimstone Honesty that he put on the table. I have been very relaxed in my studying of God’s Word until I found Pastor Tom, now I am reading my Bible and studying more than I have in years because I understand more about what is being said through the scriptures. I also have followed Pastor Toms podcast and have dwelled in the same truth and shared both the podcast and Sunday services with my Facebook friends and groups except for the times that I have been restricted from sharing and blocked from commenting. I am currently blocked but continue to pass the truth on as best as possible. Thank You Pastor Tom and God’s Blessings always for you and your family

Name: N***** M*********
Date: 2021-06-12 13:25:59
Rating: 5
Comment: The best church out there! Real and unfiltered ❤️

Name: J*** M*******
Date: 2021-06-09 10:36:16
Rating: 5
Comment: I havent been to this church in 10 years and really liked the pastor and the church in general! Well my wife and i went last sunday and felt so blessed , the music was great, the same pastor is there and had an outstanding servive, tom is the real deal with his preaching, cant wait to go back, all of us need the Lord so much, thanku God for thischurch and pastor,

Name: K***** J*****
Date: 2021-06-06 19:10:02
Rating: 5
Comment: Relevant preaching. Music was too loud for me but everyone else really enjoyed it. I would go back.The above was my review from 8 months ago, finally a church that preaches the truth of Gods Word. And the praise and worship is awesome 💕There is no turning back for me, come and see for yourself!

Name: J*** P*****
Date: 2021-05-08 16:24:24
Rating: 5
Comment: Great preacherYoull learn how our world is spiraling out of control to the end times

Name: W****** L****
Date: 2021-02-26 22:36:21
Rating: 5
Comment: Great church go if you can

Name: T**** K******
Date: 2020-11-24 18:00:03
Rating: 5
Comment: I went there this past Sunday and could feel the presence of GOD so powerfully! Also this pastor is not afraid to preach the truth of the times we are living in and how we are to be living with NO FEAR! I will be attending there for a long time to come!

Name: S***** J****
Date: 2020-07-19 12:56:00
Rating: 5
Comment: Word of God taught, not part of the Bible, all of it. They love God and their actions demonstrate that. Glad to have found them.

Name: j*** g******
Date: 2020-06-16 23:09:09
Rating: 5
Comment: HolySpirit Filled! Praise the Lord!

Name: S***** J******
Date: 2020-01-29 19:30:04
Rating: 5
Comment: My husband and I were brought to this church by a friend and have enjoyed every Sunday attended. Pastor Tom preaches from the word of God and cares about the family of God by seeing us through Gods eyes - we need more of this in our world today. The worship team is incredible and leads us directly to the throne of God each Sunday as we worship together. So blessed to be attending this church. Location is great for us and the size of church seems to work really well for us too. You will have to join us on Sundays!

Name: B**** S*****
Date: 2019-12-30 19:01:20
Rating: 5
Comment: Great church! Awesome preacher preaching the word of god and their band is amazing! The guy with the beard- - -LOVE LOVE LOVE your voice!

Name: A** G******
Date: 2019-11-18 19:40:29
Rating: 5
Comment: I love Foundation Church! Everyone is so welcoming! I have learned so much from the sermons and the worship is awesome! The childrens program is wonderful kids love going each week! I highly recommend! We feel so at home here.

Name: J**** P*****
Date: 2019-04-16 02:17:58
Rating: 5
Comment: I love it the prass team is so great

Name: A***** P********
Date: 2018-07-14 13:04:22
Rating: 5
Comment: We are blessed with the presence of God, and a pastor that leads us through the bible in a fun but challenging journey..

Name: J**** W M*****
Date: 2017-12-26 14:50:30
Rating: 5
Comment: We should all be there on Sunday

Name: T** D*********
Date: 2017-08-31 16:12:51
Rating: 5
Comment: This is an amazing church where the pastor speaks the truth. Theyre down to earth and very inviting. Blessed to have found them!

Name: W****** G****** I*
Date: 2017-06-11 18:36:04
Rating: 5
Comment: Good Church, speaks straight from the Word.

Name: B*** L******
Date: 2016-09-13 23:42:45
Rating: 5
Comment: My family and I couldnt be more happy with Foundation Church. After moving here from Ohio, God led us to this congregation of awesome people! Its so nice to be in a place where the word of God is taught without compromise.... We LOVE Foundation Church and are so thankful that God has placed us here!

Name: L*** H******
Date: 2015-06-13 21:13:20
Rating: 5
Comment: Best chruch ever

Name: J*** S*****
Date: 2012-07-15 02:08:06
Rating: 5
Comment: An excellent small group of people lead by a pastor who teaches the word of God. Welcoming and has many activities and events.